Westport Historical Society Exhibit “06880+50; Visions of Westport in Fifty Years” is a collection of individual entries in response to the WHS invitation to a select group of architects who live or work in Westport to submit ideas about what this place will look like 50 years.
RCA’s entry “Resilient Visions for Westport” was presented as a continuous slide show which included:
1) Habitable Ruins
2) Westport Modern House resurrected
3) Affordable housing towers preserve open space.
4) Unitarian Church saves energy while adding a complementary addition
5) Hovering bridge connects two Westport jewels
6) The Blau Gardens become an educational and cultural center.

Here are some related links to the exhibit:
A Brown Bag Lunch presentation and discussion followed and was held November 14th as part of the exhibit.